Believing in God

1. Do you believe in God?

If your answer is yes, you are a theist (no matter what particular conception of God you believe in).
If your answer is no, you are an atheist.
If you say, “I don’t know,” you are an agnostic.

2. What are the most prominent features of God? (This question is just as important if you are an agnostic or an atheist; it is important to know what it is you don’t believe in or don’t know; perhaps you don’t believe in a fatherly God who looks after us but do believe in some vital force or “prime mover” that got the universe going in the first place, for example.)
Is God all-powerful (omnipotent)?
Is God all-knowing (omniscient)?
Did God create the universe?
Does God care about human beings?
Does God have emotions?
If so, which ones?

  • Love,
  • Jealousy,
  • Anger (wrath),
  • Hatred,
  • Vengeance,
  • Mercy,
  • Others.

Is God distinct and separate from the world he created?
Is God knowable to us?
Can God take or has God ever taken human form?

3. Why do you believe in God? Or why don’t you?