Aim: To research a small or medium sized enterprise in preparation for the Summative Assessment and to demonstrate proficiency in critical analysis by implementing theory into practice We would like you to begin preparing for your Summative Assessment by collating research on a small or medium sized enterprise (SME). You might like to select one of the companies identified in this course and explore how it has developed.
You could consider a company that works in a specific area of travel, for example, adventure travel or cruise liners, and explore its use of the internet and how this has influenced possible future strategies. Alternatively, you could choose to examine likely future changes in the internet, for example this might involve the use of mobile media, mobile booking and more sophisticated presentation technologies, and explore how this will impact on the company’s strategy.
it is important that you make sure that you select a company that is small enough to enable analysis within the bounds of the assessment. An analysis of a large, global endeavour is possible but the level of information required would make it too complex and time consuming to attempt within the limitations of this course.
As you approach your research, try to maintain a entrepreneurial and dynamic mindset. Identify areas that your company’s strategy could target and direct your research towards gathering relevant data.
Write a summary of your research of no more than 1,000 words in length. This summary should describe your chosen company and identify how you intend to approach the analysis for your Summative Assessment.
Message from the tutor: Essentially the formative assessment requires you to write a brief “proposal” of your research idea about the topic/company/organisation that you want to discuss in your summative coursework. You can include a little bit of background analysis and then talk about the tools/models that you will use in your analysis. In a way, it is preparation for the summative coursework.