Answer the following prompt from your own perspective and support your response with at least one clear example from your personal experience. Your response should be in short-answer/paragraph form.

After submitting your prompt, you should read the prompts of at least two classmates and respond to their prompts in a meaningful way. This can be accomplished by building on similarities, offering alternative experiences, providing support, and asking questions.

Submit your own discussion prompt by creating a new thread, and submit responses to your classmates by replying to their threads.

We know that not all relationships are meant to last, but that doesn’t always make termination/dissolution easy. What do you think are some “best practices” for terminating or dissolving a relationship ethically? Why might this important for all parties involved?
In her poem, “Human Family,” Maya Angelou expresses the idea that we are more similar than we are different. I like this poem because it doesn’t dismiss our differences and challenges me to treat others with dignity and compassion. Share a positive intercultural interaction you have had and explain what factors contributed to the positive experience. (Note: Intercultural communication is happening when one or both parties experience a barrier to communicating effectively. This could be due to language barriers, differences in values and beliefs, and differences in perception. Successful intercultural communication is happening when one or both parties are able to adapt their communication to overcome the barrier(s).)