Astronomy powerpoint

The PowerPoint portion of this project should be a “presentation” of your Paper. Let’s say you are standing in front of the class and you have 20 minutes to explain your paper to them. The presentation should be 10-15 slides, with a detailed “script” in the notes section. The script should be detailed enough for me to give the presentation.

Be sure that each slide is visually engaging and the presentation captures the audiences attention.
Power point is a distinct way to convey information, so DO NOT simply paste text from your paper into the slides.
Creativity, as well as clear explanations of the topic are expected.
Your first slide is a title slide and your final slide(s) needs to be the references used to create the presentation.
You must also include a detailed script to accompany the slides, this could be a separate final with distinct marks identifying which slide is displayed or in the “Notes” section of each slide.
This script should reflect your full presentation and be detailed enough for me to give the presentation.

Optional: You are encouraged to record yourself giving this presentation and upload either the full video with images and audio or just audio to accompany the submitted power point. If you need help setting up this option please let the instructor know.
Resources for creating an effective Power Point presentation are available through the Trefry Library, some are linked here –