Jou 145 final exam – multiple choice

Part III T/F, MC SELECT THE BEST OPTION FOR All. Worth two points each

1. (T/F) Radio serves small, highly targeted audiences, which makes it an excellent advertising medium for many kinds of public relations, specialized products and services
2. A prepared handout provided to reporters in electronic form, video or on paper by an organization to summarize the “official” version of an event or situations is __________.
a. Spot news b. Continuing news c. News Release d. Developing News

3. (T/F) Professional public relations practitioners are often people whose education and perhaps prior employment has been in a field in which writing and producing other forms of messages have been major focuses.
4. (T/F) A public relations campaign is an organized way of communicating carefully designed messages with specific meanings to target audiences that are important to the client.
5. The relationship between public relations and media is_______________: that is, depends on the other.a.) symbiotic b) problematic c) entertaining e.) nonexistent
6. The practice of influencing legislators to introduce or vote for measures favorable to the interests represented is called: a. editorializing b. lobbying c. marketing d. strategizing

7.. The use of messages designed to limit the negative consequences of some kind of crisis for a client is called: a. damage control b. spin c. massage d. conceptualization

8. (T/F) The political environment of the American media has two fundamental elements; 1) A guarantee of freedom of the press is clearly embodied in the US Constitution, and 2) that freedom is not absolute.

9. (T/F) The term applied to publicly made, false, and defamatory oral statements about an individual is “libel.”

10. (T/F) The First Amendment to the US Constitution requires the press to be fair and responsible.

11. (T/F) News organizations that pay sources to give interviews are engaging in:
a. misuse of identity b. sensationalism c. exploitation d. checkbook journalism

12. . Why does slander differ from libel?
​b. Slander is a type of defamation that is spoken
​c. Libel is a type of defamation that is printed
​e. each of the above
f. none of the above

13. (T/F) Radio, television, cinema and the Internet enjoy just as much legal protection as print media.

14. (T/F) Intellectual property refers to ideas that have commercial value, such as patents and software programs.

15. The public relations practitioner serves as an ______ between the organization that he or she represents and between all of that organization’s publics.
a) antagonist b) intermediary c) obstacle d) investigator

16 (T/F) Much of modern PR relies on digital communications, but PR still uses rhetoric, symbols and slogans as its tactics.

17 The most famous and successful of the 19th century press agents who created, promoted and exploited the careers of many celebrities was: John Filson b) Harriet Beecher Stowe c) Wild Bill Hickock d) P.T. Barnum
18 The terms “Integrated Communications” or “Integrated Marketing Communications” are used to describe a) business integration b) marketing agency integration c) advertising public relations and marketing integration d) consumer agency integration.

19 Which of the following can be attributed directly to technological transparency?
a) The worldwide increase in computer networks.
b) The expectations that what an organization does will not be viable to all interested parties
c) Increasing the level of literacy
d) The link between culture and economic structure
20 Although PR practitioners are expected to solve problems, _______ problems to avoid conflict or crisis has taken precedence. a ) anticipating b) concealing c) communicating d) integrating

21 When PR practitioners work with lawyers, it is often for the purpose of: a ) increasingly being handled by accountants rather than PR practitioners b) a PR activity that focuses exclusively on internal publics c) primarily concerned with government communications d) a growing PR specialization that now deals in managing both reputation and risk.

22 Investor Relations for publicly owned companies is: a) increasingly being handled by accountants rather than PR practitioners. b) a PR activity that focuses exclusively on external publics c) primarily concerned with government communications d) a growing PR specialization that now deals in managing both reputation and risk

23 (T/F) Dr. Bird argued in class that there were three distinct reasons why Corporate Annual Reports were not Public Relations.

24. When PR practitioners work with lawyers, it is often for the purpose of _______________. a) covering up a negative curt case or legal settlement b) presenting an organization’s position on a legal issue to publics c) initialing a libel suit d) filing a claim against the Securities and Exchange Commission.

25. Which of the following about minority practitioners is true? a) they are hired only by not-for-profit organizations b) they often work for companies or firms that specialize in communicating with minority publics c) their compensation is often equal or higher than that of white practitioners d) they are more likely to report directly to the CEO than white practitioners.

26. The concept that an organization’s advertising, promotions, media relations , employee communications, investor communications, and Internet presence will all be coordinated and focused on the organization’s positioning and mission statements is called a) integrated communications b) marketing c) cross-platform communication d) economic consolidation

27 To developing nations, globalization suggests synergy. To underdeveloped or developing nations “globalization” implies __________. a) loss of indigenous culture b) paternalism c) second colonization d) all of the above

28. The first step for formal research is to : a) obtain the data b) develop the hypothesis c) design the experiment d) define the problem.

29. The final step in formal research is to ____________. a) analyze the data b) communicate the results c) determine whether the hypothesis was supported d) interpret the data

30. If you won a contract with the Federal Government to construct a campaign to lessen the frequency of random shootings across the United States, what would you do first and second?


E.C. -1 During the semester we had three guest speakers. Alexandra Gratereaux, Norma Stanley and Colin DeVries. One worked for various media and non-profit companies, the other created her own company, EEE Communications, and the last works for a large, non-profit health institution. From which did you learn the most and why?

E.C. -2 List what you believe to be Seth Finn’s three most salient points in his chapter on Assessment for Media Writing.

E.C. -2 Who is the author of the trade journal and reference books Dr. Bird cited as “The bible of NYC’s public relations”?