Week 1 Discussion: Population-Based or Community-Based Nursing

Step 1: Chose one of the following specialties of nursing:

  • Community Health Nursing
  • Public Health Nursing

Step 2: Select either A or B discussion point below and respond to the prompt. SELECT ONE DISCUSSION POINT ONLY.

A. Compare and contrast the chosen specialty (from step 1) to another specialty of nursing practice that you have studied. Chose at least 2 of the following points to discuss and support your views with scholarly evidence:

  • Focus of nursing interventions
  • Family and client relationships
  • Nursing autonomy
  • Scope of professional responsibility
  • Nursing roles

B. Discuss how nurses working in your chosen specialty (from step 1) impact the health and wellness of vulnerable populations.

  • Give a specific example from the news or the literature of nurses in the specialty impacting the lives of people in vulnerable populations. Select an example that occurred in the past 30 years.
    Example: providing triage or other services after Hurricane Katrina

Step 3: In addition to your original post, be sure to provide a meaningful response to at least two of your peers’ posts by Friday night at 11:59pm Mountain Time. Expand on aspects of population- based and community-based nursing as defined by others that are different from or complementary to your own ideas.

Your initial post should be 2-3 paragraphs long and follow the requirements outlined in the discussion rubric. Please add to the discussion in your peer responses with informative responses, instead of posts similar to “great idea! I really agree with you.” The initial post and the peer responses have different deadlines. Make sure that your discussion adheres to these deadlines.