Burnout Amongst Social Workers

Develop a 3- to 4-page, APA-style paper that examines a human services–related problem and how to address it. You must include evidence from at least three peer-reviewed empirical studies from the last 5 years that you accessed in the library.

Be sure to:

Include an introduction with a thesis statement.
Within the body of the paper, Identify and describe the problem. Use at least one of the peer-reviewed sources from the last 5 years in each paragraph to show support that the problem is occurring.
Explain how the studies address or provide solutions to the problem. Include at least two solutions to the problem, as outlined in the articles. Use at least one of the peer-reviewed sources from the last 5 years in each paragraph to show support that the problem is occurring.
End the paper with a conclusion paragraph.
This scholarly paper should demonstrate all of the skills you have built throughout this course, including library literacy, critical thinking, critical reading, and scholarly writing.