Documentary films of varying lengths are being used in place of a textbook. Before beginning your submission, it is expected that all of the films that pertain to this assignment be viewed, and these have all been labeled as Compare/Contrast Film.

Comparing & Contrasting:

  1. Use 2 separate documentary films. Choose 1 artwork from each film.
  2. Make sure the 2 artworks are completely different mediums. Some examples: paint, graphite/pencil, charcoal, clay/ceramic, marble, bronze, glass, wood, etc.
  3. Make sure the 2 artworks are not of the same type, meaning you cannot discuss 2 paintings despite one being acrylic and another oil, or 2 sculptures despite one being bronze and the other marble, etc. The idea is to discuss 2 artworks that obviously seem different at first glance.
  4. Discuss how the 2 artworks are different both visually, thematically, and in their mediums/use of materials.
  5. Discuss what makes the 2 artworks similar.

Do not go to Google for answers to the questions or supporting information. The comparing & contrasting experience is rooted in observation and comprehension. Some helpful tips while considering/discussing your chosen artworks from the documentary films may include: What is it you are seeing? What is it that is being said about the artworks? Despite being different, how might you bridge a connection?