Answer the following questions in complete sentences:

What is your current knowledge regarding nutrition?

Where do you currently get your nutrition information and news from?

Have you taken classes previous to this one that discussed nutrition, and has it impacted your current food choices?

What do you think is the relationship between good nutrition and good health?

What are some principles that you believe make up a healthy diet?

Do you have a family history of diseases that have been linked to nutrition (ex. cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, etc.)?

On a scale of 1-10, what is your stress like these days? What do you tend to gravitate toward when you are stressed?

Are you getting enough sleep? What contributes to getting a good nights sleep?

How much physical activity do you engage in per week? Do you believe calorie wise that you are eating too much or too little considering your level of physical activity?

Does your family help you or hinder you when it comes to making healthy choices? Explain.