Part one: Media Hype assignment directions:(3-4 pages)

  • Read: “Worry About the Right Things” by John Stossel
  • Read: “The Media Likes Scaring Us” by John Stossel

Watch: The YouTube Videos 2-6 from 20/20 about Media Hype.

Write: Students are to write a 3-page reaction paper regarding “Worry About the Right Things”, “The Media Likes Scaring Us”, and the Media Hype 20/20 YouTube videos.  Your opinion regarding the two articles you read and YouTube videos you watched. Please include your responses to each of these questions in your paper.

  • Was anything surprising to you?
  • Discuss something you remember being “hyped” on TV or in the newspaper.
  • Describe a time when you or your family members were affected by media hype.
  • Has something hyped in the media affected the way you thought or behaved?
  • Do you have any fears that may have been enhanced by something you saw, heard, or read via some form of media?
  • Discuss in detail three of the situations the author discussed and your reaction to it.

Papers Must:

  • Be typed, 12 point font, double spaced, MLA style only.
  • Include proper spelling, grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and sentence structure.
  • Include proper paragraphs.
  • Include proper format (introduction, body, conclusion).
  • Include a cover page.
  • Include a works cited page.
  • Be a full 3 pages (in addition to your cover page and works cited page).
  • Remember to cite your sources (MLA proper citation). Otherwise it is plagiarism.
  • Fill a full 3 pages (or automatic loss of 5 points).


Part two: Agenda Setting & Cumulative Effects

1: Chapter 2 discusses the agenda-setting theory and the cumulative effects theory. Please choose either of those two theories, define it, and give a current example of this taking place in the media.

2: There are currently so many examples of outrageous media hype on TV, social media, in our newspapers, and online. Share one example that you have seen within the last week. Include a link to your example.