Read an article from a current periodical about air cargo safety and security. After reading the article, write a one-page summary of its main points. You will then write a 1-1.5 page reaction to the main points the author makes. This reaction must not be just opinion, but substantiated by principles explained in the text or other readings. For example, if the author presents a new model or method, you should express your agreement or disagreement with its use, drawing your arguments from concepts learned in class, from the text, or from other research.
Some well know periodicals to review would be:
1. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications
2. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
3. [Book] Wings Across Europe: Towards an Efficient European Air Transport System
4. Management Research Review
5. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological
6. Expert Systems with Applications
7. Aviation Week and Space Technology
8. EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics
9. The International Journal of Logistics Management
Write a 1-1.5 page reaction to the main points the author makes.
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