Essay 2


watch the film in its entirety Boy in the Striped Pajamas (2008).

MLA Format: Structure your essay using MLA style Links to an external site.. Use Times New Roman, 12-point font, and double-space your essay.

Paragraph 1

Explain why you chose to watch this particular film given the available options. Describe your interest in the film, the director/actors, and the genre. Explain any information you had about this film prior to watching it.

Paragraph 2

Select two characters in the film who made the most significant impression on you. State the characters’ full names and identify the actor/actress who played them. Explain why or how the characters influenced you. What was your impression of the portrayal of their characters? Did you learn something new from the characters?

Paragraph 3

Describe what you believe was the most important scene of the film and WHY.

Paragraph 4

If you were to recommend this film to a friend or family member, what would you say about it?

If you would not recommend this film, why wouldn’t you?

Who should watch this film? (Everybody is not an appropriate answer!) Who would benefit most from watching this film?

Paragraph 5

Why do you think this film was made? What historical significance does this film have? If based on real historical events, how well does the film capture the historical event? (In order words, how historically accurate is the film?)

Paragraph 6

What did you learn from watching this film? How did your understanding of history, culture, art, music, photography, literature, or cinema grow as a result of watching this film?