“Preparing an academic poster is a long and tedious process; hours of revisions are often necessary to ensure the poster brings to the spotlight exactly what the presenter hopes to highlight to the audience. However, the work does not end there. Once accepted, presenters should begin to prepare how they will PRESENT to the audience in a way that grabs their attention. As persons pass by each poster, the appearance of both the poster and the presenter may draw in a potential collaborative partner or bring about an invitation for a job interview. Therefore, the presenter should dress both professionally and conservatively with attention to details such as high quality fabrics and small accessories (Schmalz, 2000). Other tips to keep in mind are to prepare and practice a brief overview (such as the one attached to this post), smile, and be engaged with each viewer (UNL, 2020).
Perhaps just as important as what you say is how you say it; utilizing a leadership or executive “voice” may be just what it takes to land yourself an interview. Shambaugh (2017) notes that establishing credibility with the audience requires staying calm, being concise while avoiding jargon, and showing vision and leadership qualities may push one’s career to the next level. Additionally, one should always highlight the solutions to the problem posed by the poster.”