In a well-crafted essay of approximately 900-words, using a legible 10 to 12 pt. font, respond to the following discussion prompt:

The renown curator, Ian Jenkins who worked at the British Museum, stated that “Religion is the mother of art.” From the earliest cave paintings in Western Europe to the temples of Deogargh in India, humankind has created works of art and architecture to honor beings they believed to be more powerful and awe-inspiring than themselves. Using examples from the chapters we have covered in this class, compare and contrast three works of art and/or architecture that are evidence of this reverence for the divine. Remember to discuss both FORMAL and ICONOGRAPHIC elements!

You must also include both an opening and a closing paragraph, in addition to the body content.

Three pieces of art:

  • Tridad Shaka
  • discobolus
  • Terra Cotta Warriors