Choose a publicly traded company. To view a short list of suggestions for selecting a publicly traded company, click List.
Download and complete the tablePreview the document for this discussion.
Visit MSNMoney.com website (Links to an external site.). Enter the name of your chosen company in the search box.Click the Analysis Scroll down to the Financial Health Tab. Record the following information for the Current year and the Industry
Current Ratio
Quick ratio
Then select the Management Effectiveness Record the inventory turnover for the Current year and the Industry.
Compute the Days Sales in Inventory. The formula is: Days Sales = 365/Inventory Turnover
Discussion Questions

Please discuss the following in your initial post:

Identify the company and copy and paste your completed table in your main thread.
After reviewing, the results in your table, what information does the current and quick ratios provide about this company?
What additional information does knowing the Days Sales in Inventory give Sam & Martin about this company?
How does the company that you researched compare with its Industry?
Please cite your sources using the APA style guide.