Ancillary Assignment for 1/17

Respond to the following questions in two short paragraphs:

Reading Reflection:

1)What stood out to you about Tuesday’s assigned reading? How do each of these essays view language and/or education? What do you think of their viewpoints?

2)Writing Project 1 Topic Brainstorm: What are some potential WP1 topics? What is interesting about these topics? What do you feel like you need to say about this topic? Does this topic connect to the readings in any way?

These questions are prompts to help guide your reflections, but you do not have to answer every question. Just make sure to have two short paragraphs: one about the reading, the other about potential WP1 topics.

Answer to1) 4,badenglish_fromminorfeelings,shouldwritersusetheirownenglish
Answer to 2)