Technology Education Self-Assessment Assignment Instructions


ISTE Standard 1 for the Educator emphasizes professional development growth. Identifying key areas of importance for our personal growth enables us to determine a point of emphasis in our course of study. The assignment intends to help you self-assess your current understanding of technology in the classroom and reflect on specific areas in which you might like to emphasize your coursework this term.


To begin, consider your use of educational technology. What are your strengths, and in what areas would you like to grow? If you are unsure, find one of the free self-assessment tests online and allow it to help you pinpoint potential areas for growth.

Please include the following in my assignment:

My strength is using test corrections as a learning tool. I also use exit slips to teach and assess multiplication facts.

My three areas of weaknesses are:

  1. Using Escape Rooms to Enhance Literacy in Elementary School -org/article/escape-rooms-literacy-elementary-school
  2. Using Screencastify which allows students to work out problems with explanations. –#5 org/article/10-teacher-picks-best-tech-tools
  3. Fantastic, Fast Formative Assessment Tools- (tools like Kahoot or Nearpod to be written about for my need to learn and the importance of using them for quicker feedback)


Once you have identified some areas you would like to improve, find three articles from the Edutopia website to help you begin to address these areas of growth. Click on the Topics tab at the top to find several categories of helpful resources you may wish to investigate.

In a Word document, for each of the three articles you select, address the following:

  1. Provide a reference entry for the article in current APA format.
  2. In paragraphs of 100-200 words each,
    1. Provide a brief explanation of why you chose the article. What specific area does the article address your professional development goals?
    2. Identify one specific concept you learned from the article.
    3. Discuss how you can apply what you learned to your classroom or occupation.


Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.