The Chocolate

Watch the case study videos below and complete all case questions (1-5), supporting your claims with at least one external source (which could be the textbook). Prepare answers in a Word document (.doc or .docx) and submit a single file to the dropbox. Be sure to check spelling and grammar and ensure you answer all questions. Each question response should be a minimum of 100 words. Be sure to include a title page, introduction, conclusion, and reference list (APA format). You can find a “case study template” to use under COURSE HOME.

Theo Chocolates Video 1

Theo Chocolates Video 2

Case Questions:

  1. Does Theo use any of the four traditional approaches to management? Elaborate.

As a reminder, the four approaches are outlined here. Check out these video tutorials for more on each approach: Classical Management Theory, Behavioral Management Theory, Systems Theory, Contingency Theory

  1. What are the major challenges that Theo has had to deal with being in the chocolate industry? Have these issues been dealt with adequately?
  2. Do you think Theo is ‘doing good while doing well’? Explain.
  3. Has Theo’s CSR stance helped them do better than they would otherwise? Is this acceptable or unacceptable?
  4. What do you think of CEO, Joe Whinney’s career? Does it inspire you to take something that interests you and try to bring about a change in the world? Explain.