For this paper we will explore the role of a pediatric intensive care Nurse Practioner. This paper will be a narrative 5-7 pages long (excluding title/reference pages) with APA 6th guidelines including headings and will include the following information: Submission: Using SafeAssign
1. Introduction Paragraph: Interesting to draw the reader in about the role you have chosen. Include
background, relevant information that will be discussed in the paper.
2. Define: Define the role you have chosen. Is the role an Advance Practice Nursing Role (APN) or Advanced Nursing
Practice (ANP) role? In what types of practice settings does this APN/ANP practice? (Primary care, acute care,
hospital system, university, etc.)
3. Conceptual Model: Choose an APRN conceptual model for the role and describe the model. Explain how the model
applies to the role.
4. Education: What are the required education and competencies for your role? Give a brief description of each
competency. Include the regulatory, legal, and Credentialing/certification requirements for your role?
5. Outcome Impact: Review two articles that demonstrate how the roles of APN or ANP impact healthcare and
include in your paper the summary of those articles (literature review).
6. Professional organizations: Include professional organizations that represent your role. How and what does the
organizations do to enhance your role and the nursing profession?
7. Biblical Worldview: Discuss how biblical worldview relates to your role.
8. Parse’s Humanbecoming Theory: Cite and include Humanbecoming Theory as it relates to your role.
9. Conclusion: What is the overall take-away of your role? (Synthesize, do not summarize). What is the importance of
the role you chose?
Remember the following for your paper:
APA 6th Edition Formatting
Sentence structure, punctuation, grammar, and spelling are excellent, without errors.
Interesting/appropriate introduction and conclusion. Headings used.
Smooth transitions between paragraphs, well organized, and easy to read/follow.
Citations are appropriately used, assigned readings well integrated.
Reference page formatted appropriately.
Students will use five scholarly research articles (peer-reviewed, published within the last 5 years).
I have attached the instructions as a separate document as well. I have also attached the human becoming.