Social determinants and SEM

Answer the following questions and submit to Canvas before end of day on Monday, February 27th at 11:59pm central.
• from PW Project instructions.IPersonal Wellness Project Spring 2023.docxll

1. Name three of social factors that influence YOUR  health
(this can be negative or positive).

2. What are some action steps to create positive behavior change for these factors? If all the factors listed above positively impact your health already, please explain how?
For the factors that have a negative impact: there are things that feel and are out of our control when it comes to social factors. Spend some time identifying something that could be done to help lessen the negative impact it has on our wellness is valuable, even if the big picture isn’t going to change quickly or easily (move, buy a car, get a higher paying job, etc.).

3. Do any of these relate to your chosen behavior change?

4. How can you advocate or help our society regarding these factors? Social Ecological Model (SEM) questions:

1. In what ways was your health shaped on each of the 5 levels as you grew up (SEM levels listed below)?

  • 1. Individual
  • 2. Interpersonal
  • 3. Organizational
  • 4. Community
  • 5. Public Policy

2. How will the next generation be impacted differently on these levels?