Walt Whitman’s “Song of Myself”

Choose two of the following prompts and write discussion responses of at least 150 words each (for a total of 300+ words). Your discussion may include quotes for support, illustration, and development.

What are some important themes or messages in “Song of Myself”? (hint: greatness and bigness of America; freedom to express ourselves no matter our beliefs, culture, sexual orientation, etc.; democracy; humankind’s common soul; self-discovery; friendship; spirituality; sexual expression)

What is your reaction to Whitman’s invention and use of “free verse” poetry? How is it different from other more traditional poetic forms you’ve seen with other poets? (For example, Whitman doesn’t feel constrained to use strict iambic pentameter, rhyme scheme, or uniform stanza length as most other poets do.)

Discuss a specific image from “Song of Myself” that speaks to you or that you find to be particularly effective.