Checklist for Care Plan AssignmentUse this checklist to help guide you as you work on the Care Plan assignment to ensure you have completed everything required of you.The first step is to choose any health issue (e.g. smoking, obesity, cardiovascular disease, ect). You will then write a SCRIPToImagine that an individual with the disorder/disease you have chosen has come into your care. The patient requests to sit and talk with you about his or her situation. This conversation must include aspects of the disease/disorder from all three biological, social and psychological aspects.oThe conversation is completely made up (unless you want to use a real life patient situation, you may).oYou will write the script in the exact way a script is written:oi.e. Patient:oNurse:oPatient: oGive ONE sentence right before getting into the script to give some context. For example, “patient is a male, 45 years old, and is in a [hospital setting, has been there for 3 weeks] or [has come into the CLSC looking for some information on smoking]…”The script is a conversation between you and the patient. This requires you to get inside the mind of the patient. What are the physical symptoms that he or she may complain of?This is not the time to list off all of thesymptoms of a disorder. The script has to sound real, so realistically, people do not speak robotically. What would be a few of the main, most salient physical complaints they may have?What are some social and psychological difficulties that the patientmay discuss with you? What fears may they express? How would you respond? How would you convey empathy and trust?(I will NOT be looking to see if you are giving them solutions to all of their complaints in the script. Rather, I will largely be looking to see if you are sympathetic and caring. For example, if a patient just tells you he is very anxious about an upcoming surgery, do you then turn around and say “now tell me about your family”-this would not tell me you are sympathetic and understanding towards the fears your patient is expressing to you. Or, do you say “I can imagine that is difficult. Etc….”.When writing the script, particularly from the social and psychological aspects, be sure to draw from class discussions (e.g. if the patient is in long-term care, how might this affect them? Does medical jargon or physician-patient communication contribute to their distress, do you use ‘signposting’ when changing subjects, etc.) Be sure tohave some of these issues come through in the script.There needs to be a clear start and end to the discussion (it should not begin or end abruptly).I do not mind how you order the issues that the patient discusses (it does not have to be written such that physical issues are first, then social, then psychological-you can intermix the issues however you want, whatever is easiest for you.LENGTH for this section-3-4 DOUBLE-SPACED PAGES. Please use size 12 font-Times New Roman.Part Two-You will now write up the care plan.

Please do NOT make the mistake of using the official Nursing Care plans for this project. You will organize the care plan as outlined here.You are now going to use the script you have just created to create the care plan.Redescribe some of the biological symptoms your client described and explain how that fits with a diagnosis of the disorder/disease. Here, you will need to provide a brief description of the health issue, including the symptoms. Therefore, you would say, “in the script, patient X complained of X symptoms. This fits with a diagnosis of [said disorder] because those with this disease often experience…………… (symptoms). [said disorder] is overall described as…………..” This is the only place where a small amount of research is required to quickly describe what the disease is and what thesymptoms are. You may use textbooks, nursing books, or academic journals for this (just not wikipedia, that is not legitimate). Wherever your info comes from, please reference it IN-TEXT and in a Reference Page in the back. I am really just looking for 1, 2 references MAX. When referencing, use APA. If you are unsure of APA, check out the APA website, orthe JAC library website, or see me .You will then come up with some solutions to put in place to ease the physical symptoms(so it is normal if all you are talking about here is perhaps medications for these symptoms, or muscular therapies, etc, depending on the disease).Then, redescribe some of the social difficulties your client expressed and put in place a care plan for this. (e.g. does the patient lack support? is the disease socially stigmatizing? Are there physician-patient communication issues? What are your recommendations?)Then, redescribe some of the psychological difficulties and describe your recommendations (here is where you can also address any patient fears, effects of long-term care, etc among other psychological dilemmas.)LENGTH for this section-3-4 DOUBLE-SPACED PAGES. Please use size 12 font-Times New Roman.Some other points:Please have a title page.Please havea separate reference page for your one-two references (this doesn’t count as part of the 3-4 pages per section).When referencing in that one part, be careful NOT to plagiarize. Direct sentences word for word need to be in quotations, followed by (author last name(s), year). However, paraphrasing is preferred-take main thoughts, put it in your own words, followed by (author last name(s), year). If there is any plagiarism, entire project is a 0 and then reported. There should be no reason for plagiarism as there are only a few sentences that will come from another source. Everything else about this project is made up from your own thoughts and views. If plagiarism concerns you, you may also see me for this