Remember the Rocks

This assignment has 5 steps:
Download and fill out this form Download this formabout your everyday responsibilities(. on pdf ) link

2. Next, take a look at this short 3-min. video:

Now look at the list you have created. Which responsibilities are your large rocks? Circle at least 2 of them. Draw a square around at least 2 medium ones. Then underline your small rocks.

Now take a look at these TOP TEN TIME MANAGEMENT TIPS:
#10: Remember the rocks! Keep in mind that you only have a limited amount of time (the jar) to work with each day. Starting with the big rocks makes it easier to accomplish more.

#9: Create your environment. Know where and when you study best, and utilize that knowledge.

#8: Set up your tools. Make sure to have your books, pens, etc in one place, and give yourself time to organize them.

#7: Write your plan. Use the calendar on your phone, etc. to keep track of your plan.

#6. Reward and reinforce good habits. For example, treat yourself to a cup of coffee while you are organizing your calendar; get a nice notebook that you will enjoy using.

#5: If you stumble, ask others to help. Schedule a “Help me prioritize” meeting with your teacher or supervisor to find out their views and open a dialogue for discussion.

#4. Prioritize Daily: Start the day writing down three things you MUST do. Take advantage of some of the free apps, such as Google Chrome’s Dayboard Links to an external site., which is a free app that helps you keep on task when you are online.

#3: Start a “what I got done today” list.

#2: Don’t wait till the last minute. Sure you get a rush from getting something done 2 minutes before it is due, but that sort of apporach is unsustainable on a routine basis. Life gets in the way of that sort of lifestyle, so if you tend to procrastinate all the time, it will trip you up…again and again.

#1. THE NUMBER ONE TIP FOR TIME MANAGEMENT is not about prioritizing or organizing, it is SELF CARE.