
  1. Please list the 5 websites that you visit the most often.
  2. Discuss what you like about each one.
  3. How many times a week do you visit each site? If you visit daily or hourly tell us why.
  4. What device do you use to access the Internet most often?
  5. Are there any websites you feel addicted to (meaning you find yourself checking it throughout the day)? For example, many people compulsively check Facebook.
  6. What is “Fear of Missing Out” (FOMO) and how has social media played a part in it?
  7. Share an example of FOMO from your own experience.
  8. What effect has social media had on your life?

Part 2

There are several questions to answer this week. Please make sure you answer each one for full points.

  1. In your opinion, what are the top 10 most important news stories from the year 2000- today’s date. Please number them 1-10 and explain (next to each choice) why you picked it (in detail).
  2. In your opinion how would 9/11 have been different if there was no television coverage?
  3. What are the biggest news stories that you are currently following?
  4. Which one is the most interesting or most important to you?
  5. Are any of them affecting you personally?
  6. What are your top 10 favorite TV shows of all time?
  7. Has DVR, Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime Video, and other streaming services etc… affected the way you watch TV? Please explain the impact you feel these inventions have had on you and your family.
  8. What impact did TV have on your family’s life? For example, did you all gather to watch a certain show together? Do you remember watching cartoons with your siblings on Saturday mornings when you were kids? Share with us your memories. For those of you who now have families of your own how has TV impacted your family? For example, are there shows you all watch together or do you all go into different rooms to watch what you want?