The detail The topic: cyber-security and its challenges faced by organisations
The research problem is found so far: The biggest problem my team faced when we do the research on this topic is that there are lack of valuable articles and evaluated information about the topic of cyber security. There maybe has a mountain of articles about cyber breaching, cyber-criminal or achievement of cyber security but they are fragmentary, and the data are not vetted or in high- quality. Therefore, we think it will be hard to draw a big conclusion on the challenges cyber-security’s picture.
Questions raised for this topic:
Why is cyber-criminal a hot topic but it never properly solved?
Why is it hard to achieve cyber-security?
What is the cyber-criminals’ trending in recent years?
Insider and outsider’s factor which one is the most challenge for business’s secure?
Should be Government involved in a cyber-security strategy?
Are Small and big firms the same at risk for cyber-attacks?
Theories applied I did find and use for this topic so far:
Akers’ social learning theory, and models
The task for my requirement:
The literature review:
Finding at least 12 sources Which
1. Draw the reader’s attention to any contrasting views expressed in prior research in this area and give your view of how differing opinions can be brought together to help answer the research question and ultimately resolve the research problem. [the more comprehensive your literature review, the better.
2. Report how it has brought you closer to an answer to your research question(s).
• Introduction, conclusion or table of content are not necessary or needed
• Only focus on the literature review
• The sources must be academic and following Harvard style. They are must be supported with the work because they will be checked. The page number, year will be also included in Citation. The author-date system, of which the Harvard system is most used
• The sources are highly recommended by using Proquest or Use electronic databases – SSCI (Social Sciences Citation Index) (, ABI/INFORM ( – EBSCO (