Collaboration Strategies

Students are required to and read the course material thoroughly, understand the concepts and then proceed with this assignment.

‘Collaboration can include partnering with suppliers, customers, competitors, complementors, organizations that offer similar products in different markets, organizations that offer different products in similar markets, non-profit organizations, government organizations, universities, or others. Collaboration can also be used for many different purposes, including manufacturing, services, marketing, or technology-based objectives. In North America, as many as 23 percent of all alliances are for research and development activities, compared to 14 percent in Western Europe and 12 percent in Asia.12 Collaboration arrangements can also take many forms, from very informal alliances to highly structured joint ventures or technology exchange agreements (licensing). The most common forms of collaborative arrangements used in technological innovation include strategic alliances, joint ventures, licensing, outsourcing, and collective research organizations.’- Chapter 8 Collaboration Strategies


Question- Refer to chapter 8 of your textbook explain the common forms of collaborative arrangements used in technological innovation with at least two examples of each form.