• Abstract:250
  • Introduction:650
  • Literature review: 3000
  • Methodology:1300
  • Findings/ analysis/ discussion:2500
  • Conclusion and recommendation where appropriate:550 total:8250
  • References:
  • Appendices

Introduce every chapter with key things to cover


Literature review: 10 from date of order so as to forward to supervisor for corrections

Methodology, analysis and discussion: 10 days after literature review draft

Abstract, introduction and conclusion 7days after methodology

And then final draft after all correction made on the date of the order completion.

Literature review

  • Should be organised or structured around themes with subheadings and link subheadings to improve the flow of the literature review
  • Definition of terms
  • Theories of financial risk, risk management, digital economy and china’s digital economy with historical background (check proposal)
  • Remember, financial risk is the key focus of the study( needs a thorough background discussion)
  • Develop arguments argument for and against literature
  • Develop Critical analysis
  • Provide supportive reference in the literature review for example: (Chris 2009, Amy 2012, Paul 2016) argued that………
  • Encouraged to use more recent papers e.g. (2010-2020). However, key papers (seminar papers or foundational papers can be included)
  • Include Empirical literatures around topic (in a subheading)
  • Summary of the chapter:

What are the gaps in the literature

Are the findings consistent

Did the papers find positive or negative impact?

Are there variations