Global Operations and Supply Chain Management
Spring 2023
– JIT-Information
You are now well aware of the role that information plays in supply chain management. I want you to read the Green et al. (2007) article that assesses a JIT-information performance model and answer the following questions related to the article.
- What is the purpose of the study? What specific research question do the authors pose?
- How do the authors describe their theorized JIT-Information performance model?
- How do the authors describe JIT strategies?
- List and briefly describe the three generations of ERP systems identified by Siau and Tian (2004)
- Briefly describe Rajagopal’s (2002) idea of “one single information.”
- The authors say that the “one single information” is accessed seamlessly in real-time. Briefly describe what is meant by “seamless, real-time” access.
- How do third-generation ERP systems eradicate waste as required by JIT systems?
- How do the authors define the four study variables/constructs (JIT-information, SCM strategy, logistics performance, and organizational performance?
- Describe the sample of experts that provided the study data.
- Look at the correlations among the variables in Table 2. Are the study variables positively and significantly related as hypothesized?
- Look at the study results presented in Figure 1. Answer the following questions based on the standardized coefficients (betas) and significance levels.
- Is SCMS directly related to JITI?
- Is JITI directly related to organizational performance?
- Is JITI directly related to logistics performance?
- Is logistics performance directly related to organizational performance?
- Is JITI indirectly related to organizational performance through logistics performance?
- Is SCMS indirectly related to organizational performance through JITI?
- Is SCMS indirectly related to logistics performance through JITI?
- Based on your answers in 11, is the theorized model in Figure 1 supported by the results of the study? How does SCMS impact performance? I am asking about the role of JITI in the model.
- In the conclusions section, how do the authors summarize the results of their study?
- In the last paragraph in the conclusions section, what advice do the authors have for practicing supply chain managers?
- Based on what you know so far (Wal-Mart/Bon Ami article, TAL Article, and this empirical study), describe the role that seamless, real-time information plays in the successful implementation of a SCM strategy.