Lab 2 Measuring and Mixing

Answer Sheet


Activity 1, Muffins, effects of amount of mixing (manipulation)

  1. Select and cut one muffin from each variation in half vertically. Label and photograph, include it below.
  2. Record the height of each muffin in the table below. Describe the appearance (both external and internal) and texture of each muffin.
  3. Rate the overall acceptability on a scale from 1 to 10. 1 – not acceptable, 10 -extremely acceptable.


Criteria 8 stirs 16 stirs 32-40 stirs
Appearance – External*      
Appearance – internal**      
Overall acceptability      
  • *Note if the muffin is domed, peeked, or somewhere in between, the color, outside texture, and if there are any white spots.
  • **Describe the crumb on the inside of the muffin being sure to point out any unevenness, the size of the air holes, tunneling, etc.


Insert picture here:



Activity 2, Biscuits, effects of amount of mixing (manipulation)

  1. Select and cut one biscuit from each variation in half vertically. Label and photograph, include it below.
  2. Record the height of each biscuit in the table below. Describe the appearance (both external and internal) and texture of each biscuit.
  3. Rate the overall acceptability on a scale from 1 to 10. 1 – not acceptable, 10 -extremely acceptable.


Criteria 5-6 Kneads 10-12 Kneads 15-18 Kneads
Appearance – External*      
Appearance – internal**      
Overall acceptability      
  • *Note if the biscuit is domed, peeked, or somewhere in between, the color, outside texture, and if there are any white spots.
  • **Describe the crumb on the inside of the biscuit being sure to point out any unevenness, the size of the air holes, tunneling, etc.


Insert picture here: