Social Issues

(1) Write 500-1000 words describing the major theme in ONE of our two readings and how the author devises the action of the story or essay to comment on that theme. The themes in Set One all have to do with Social Issues of one kind or another. Identify the theme and show how the characters and actions are effective in presenting that theme. Your task in paragraph one is to describe the theme itself. Start by writing an INTRODUCTORY SENTENCE called a ”SET-UP SENTENCE” that introduces the general idea of the theme itself, THEN name the author and title of the work you’re critiquing, along with that author’s perspective on the theme.

Remember that this paper is not a book report; you will have to identify elements of character and plot to make your point about the author’s theme, but your task is to explain how the author presents and develops that theme. You must also quote phrases from the work in your body paragraphs to prove that what you’re presenting is true.
You will find help writing a formal college paper on this subject in DOCUMENTS. Upload your paper below and upload it again in the ”Share Paper One’ portal next week.
By the way, no outside sources are necessary for this paper, but if you do use quotations or ideas from outside sources, please acknowledge them by ”Attributing” o ”Credentialing”your quote or paraphrase by saying, ”According to . . .” You do not need parenthetical citations or a Works Cited page for this paper – it’s not a documented essay.