How/why environment affect the developmental process of a child

Identify something that is going on today that is affecting child development more than it has in the past. Your choice of subject can range from recent fads to reigning ideas to cultural mores to specific events.

In your essay, you need to do the following. First, describe the subject that you believe is affecting development. Explain what it is, how pervasive it is, and why you believe it is important. Next, identify three reasons why and how this subject will affect development. Make sure you fully explain your reasoning here. Finally, provide information as to how the future of child development will be different because of this (i.e., what may psychologists see in the next generation of children due to the current changes?).

Your essay can be no longer than 400 words so you will need to plan out what you want to say.

Your grade will be based on the following:

  • 20 points: Description of Topic and defense of your choice
  • 60 points (20 each): Description of reasons why and how this topic will affect development
  • 20 points: Description of how the future of child development will be different because of this.

You must write clearly and use correct grammar. Your ability to make an argument will be more important than whether we agree with your choice of topic.