Arrogant Beggar Paper

Page Length Requirement: 5 pages double-spaced


The Arrogant Beggar by Anzia Yezierska is a fictional story based in Progressive Era (1900 – 1920) New York City. In what ways does Yezierska’s novel shed light on the experiences of the “other” during this period? A good essay will seamlessly connect broad historical forces to specific scenes in the novel and incorporate SPECIFIC historical details associated with the era.

Chapter 12 and 14 questions:

  • What is/are the big question(s) being addressed in the chapter? Identify only 1 or 2 questions. Keep in mind, Takaki may not explicitly state these questions.
  • How does Takaki answer this/these question(s)?
  • In what ways does one of the sources for the week shed additional light on Takaki’s story? Find the other sources for the week listed under Takaki chapter.
  • What questions were you left with after reading Takaki’s chapter?