Publically available maps can provide information for residents about environmental hazards, availability of resources, or areas where there are gaps/needs for services. In this activity, you will create a website addressing community member interest in places to be physically active and to eat healthy foods.

Assignment Details

  1. For this activity, you will work to create a simple website that displays geographic information about a places to be physically active and places to eat healthy foods in a location of your choice. Your map must have at least two layers (one for places to be active and one for food resources), but can have multiple layers (for example, one for playgrounds and one for gyms) for each of these areas.
  2. Your website should include a meaningful title and web address.
  3. Include a paragraph explaining what is shown on the map, and 2-3 paragraphs explaining your interpretation of what the map means.
  4. Your website should have at least one map which should include (at minimum):
    1. A layer containing point features
    2. A layer containing one or more line features. If you are having trouble thinking of a meaningful line feature, consider displaying a meaningful boundary or path.
    3. A layer containing one or more polygon features. Consider showing populated regions, areas of concentration, underserved areas, or other interpretations based on the locations of point and line features.
  5. Include 3-5 links on your website, in the text or the end of the document (as appropriate). These links should point readers towards more information that could be helpful in addressing the question of interest (e.g. links to other sites or maps that could help them be physically active and/or eat healthy foods).
  6. Include at least one picture or diagram to help illustrate the importance or impact of the question on community life.
  7. Avoid the use of technical language, except when necessary. Aim to explain any technical terms that you do use at a level that middle and high school students can understand.
  8. Please make sure your sharing settings for your link AND your map are set to “anyone with the link can view.”
  9. Print a copy of your website as a .pdf file (“print to file”) and submit a copy of this document, along with a link to your website, to Blackboard. NOTE: Everyone in your group should submit the same thing.