In this exercise, you will be analyzing a significant cyber incident:

August 2019. Russian hackers were observed using vulnerable IoT devices like a printer, VOIP
phone, and video decoder to break into high-value corporate networks

Discuss the following:

1.You need to discuss the background of this attack answering who, what and when

2. You need to discuss the impacts this hack had on the United States

3. You need to cover why this attack occurred

4. Finally, make a recommendation on how to keep this type of hack for happening again.

No more than 5 pages double space, Times New Roman, 12 pts font. Cite resources using APA format and remember to include in-text citations. Grading will be based off your ability to provide well thought out ideas supported by evidence, your ability to critical think on way forward, and provide a product that is complete, detailed, and analytical. Meeting minimal requirements will result in a minimum passing grade.I will grade you on the quality of your sources along with your answers (e.g., sources that include official government reports, respected think tank (e.g., RAND) articles, and peer-reviewed journal studies will receive more credit than popular books or newspaper articles). Wikipedia is not a real source. Remember Stugeon’s Law—90% of everything is “crud.” on the internet, that percentage is closer to 99%. Put simply, most of what you find on the internet is trash, so be discerning.