Discussion – Research method

Below you will find three research questions. Your task is to choose ONE question.

Come up with an idea of how you would run an experimental study to find an answer to one of these questions.
Address who your subjects will be. How many subjects would you have?
What would your independent variable be? This means how would you divide your subjects into groups? What would be the difference in the way you treated the groups? For example, if I was testing a medication, one group would get the medication and the other would not (control group).
What is your dependent variable? This means what are you actually going to measure?

In your reply offer some input into their study. What could they change? What was a good idea?

Research Question CHOICES:
Choice one: Does the temperature of a classroom affect test performance?
Choice two: Do males or females perform better on a memory test?
Choice three: Do violent cartoons cause children to hit?