You have received an RFP. Now what? How do you begin to function as a team? How do you begin with the right questions to start filling out the first section of the documents identified in this week’s Learning Resources? How will you and your team develop your game plan on the Team Project Planning Worksheet?

Considerable information gathering, clarification, and review must occur before agreeing to take on a program evaluation project. Your activities this week will help you focus on these initial steps. This week allows you to begin to think, as a team, about some of the issues that will be applicable for your proposal, the first part of which is due in Week 4.

Some of the challenges with getting started toward producing a proposal include being clear on what the stakeholders want and whether you can devise a plan that is worth your own time and effort. You will find that the whole-class Discussion forum this week and in future weeks will ask questions that you can consider individually for the class Discussion and then can incorporate back into your team’s discussions and planning for your own RFP.

Note: Your team assignment will be posted to you no later than Day 2 of this week.

Team Activities By Day 3


  • Verify that everyone has viewed the Audiopedia and Wedell videos in this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Verify that everyone has reviewed the Program Evaluation Proposal Template and the Team Project Planning Worksheet and noted which sections are due and when during the course. Consider how this and every week’s activities fit into completing sections of your Team Project Planning Worksheet and Program Evaluation Proposal Template.
  • Review your RFP and the documents identified in this week’s Learning Resources, especially the requirements for your first team proposal work product, to be submitted in Week 4.
    • Post the initial information you have from the RFP for your team’s evaluation project. Describe your individual observations and thoughts about the following issues for planning and preparing:
      • Who wants an evaluation?
      • What should be the focus of the evaluation?
      • Why is an evaluation wanted?
      • When is an evaluation wanted?
      • What resources are available to support an evaluation?
      • Explain what you know from the RFP. Explain what you need to discuss further as part of planning the proposal for the program evaluation. Continue to refine your ideas with your team members throughout the rest of the week.