Purpose: The student will be able to explain the importance of using an evidence-based approach in providing clinical patient care in an expository essay format.
Instructions: Using at least two of the articles in the Reading Materials Folder, your essay will make a case for using an evidence-based approach to answer a clinical question of your choice in the practice of Respiratory Care. For tips on how to write an expository essay see the weblinks below:
Your essay should follow a 5-paragraph format to include:
Introductory paragraph clearly defining your clinical question and what is to follow in your essay.
Three paragraphs in the body of the essay to develop 3 different points that support your EBM approach to answering your clinical question. In the body of your essay you should cite one of the references using one of the following formats for citation demonstrated below:
Rubin and Haynes (2012) in their review addressing myths in Respiratory Therapy practice make the point that….
A review article makes the point that many of the commonly used interventions widely used in respiratory care have no basis in clinical evidence (Rubin & Haynes, 2012).
In the final paragraph restate your thesis tie together the main points you have made.
The essay is to be in APA 7th edition format that includes a title page, running head, page numbers, 12-point Times New Roman font, double spaced. The essay and should be approximately 500 words in length. It should contain 2 references that were cited in the body and in APA reference format at the end of the essay.
Examples of Clinical Question Subjects:
Education, training, current care practice, new practices, technology, patient safety, resource availability, communication, documentation, equipment, public health, diagnostics