Finding God in the Ordinary

Purpose: Review and reflect on your practice of presence throughout this course.
Instructions: Throughout this course you have been invited into a practice of presence towards the ordinary and mundane places in your life. Write a 250-500 word essay reflecting on your experience with this practice. The only grading criteria for this assignment will be whether or not you were on topic (i.e. grammar and formatting will not be graded).

Some questions that might help shape your reflections:

• What did you notice as you were present with the ordinary?

• In what ways were you able to engage the ordinary intentionally? What might you learn from this?

• In what ways did you struggle with attending to the ordinary? What might this be teaching you?

• If God often shows up through the ordinary (a baby in a manger, a common table, ordinary bread and wine), what implications does this have for your life?

• Keep in mind that this reflection essay is for your benefit. If you struggled to engage in this practice of presence, that’s okay. Reflect on why that was the case. What might you learn through that struggle?