Teaching Reading Sourcebook

Peruse through the Phonological Awareness Lesson Models provided in the Teaching Reading Sourcebook (pages 128-158). Select one of the provided lesson models to discuss.

  • Name the “Benchmark(s)” being taught.
  • How you would use this model lesson with your students?
  • What are the benefits of this lesson when teaching phonological awareness?
  • How could ELL students become more proficient in the English language with this strategy?

Watch the the Phonological Awareness teaching video provided below.

  • What specific skills were being targeted?
  • What did you notice about student interaction and engagement?
  • How could ELL students become more proficient in the English language with this strategy?
  • What was your biggest take away?
  • What would you do differently?

Post answers for Questions #1 and #2 on the discussion board, respond to three others.