Discussion: Incident Report &Judgement

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This is a graded discussion: 60 points possible

1. Analyze and assess the importance and relevance of the incident response process and how it ties into network protection and continued operation.

2. Research and analyze the tools that can be used to assist in the incident response process.


3. Research and analyze the decisions M incident response to determine when it N appropriate to disconnect from the Internet, stay connected and monitor, or attempt to redirect the attacker for further monitoring.

4. Apply computer forensics concepts into the incident response process. Understand the importance of keeping current U the information security community as a method to protect their environment.

5 Create a policy or procedure that addresses events such as: a disaster recovery plan, a business continuity plan, an incident response policy, an acceptable usage document, an information security policy, a physiml security policy, assessments or troubleshooting procedures.


6.Research, document, test and evaluate several current industry information security based threats, risks, malicious activities, covert methodology, encryption technologies, mitigation techniques or unconventional tactics to prevent loss of sensitive information and data confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

7. Articulate the complexity of and apply thinking skills to how the network and application infrastructure affects technology forensics investigations and incident response procedures.


Part 1: Do an Internet search and find an incident report and the steps taken.
Analyze the report and post the analysis to the discussion area. Be sure to provide your source so other students can look it up.

Part 2: Every organization is vulnerable to errors in judgment. This vulnerability can result in dire consequences when an incident occurs.

  • Explain how an incorrect response to an incident can jeopardize crisis management, forensic evidence, and business continuity.
  • Research a current event, within the last year that demonstrates how an organization lacked a correct response and potentially jeopardized the business.
  • Provide your analysis of the information and how it relates to the topic. Be sure to cite your sources.

NOTE: All current event selections must be different from your peers’. Please check below in the discussion arena. Deliverables Submit an original post in the discussion arena below by the due date. Then, respond to 2 other students posts students’ posts by Sunday Remember, this is meant to be a discussion, so add some new information in your replies. Don’t Risk say “that’s coal” or “I agree Be objective, clear, and concise.
NOTE: To receive full credit, original post must be posted by the due date and responding O two peers by the following Sunday is required.