
IC #4: Select two or three leading journals or other professional publications in your academic major or any other academic discipline in which you are interested. Next, conduct a brief rhetorical analysis of the writing which appears in them.

Consider the following questions:

  1. What is the purpose of the articles and other materials that appear in the journals? Talk about this purpose as a whole; then select one or two articles and discuss their purpose in detail. Be sure to give concrete examples and details.
  2. Who are the intended audience of these publications? What specific elements in the writing which appears there can help us decide?
  3. Consider the structure and format of the writings in the journals. How do they connect with the purpose of the writing and the intended audience? For instance, what kinds of evidence or citation systems do their authors’ use?

Assignment: Write a short paper reporting and analyzing the results of your research.

Format: MLA style

Length: No more than 1250 words