Section 1: Short Answer Responses (12 points)

Employing the lectures and readings, respond to each of the following questions in 200-250 words each. It is expected you spend 1 hour on this portion of the exam:

  1. What historical contexts defined the “first-wave globalization” of the late 19th century, and how did those features impact global migration?
  2. How did changing concepts of race impact immigration policies in the United States in the early 20th century?
  3. What is a diaspora, according to William Safran? Selecting one of his six “characteristics of diaspora,” explain that characteristic through one of the case studies presented in the course lectures.

Section 2: Essay Question (8 points)

Select ONE question below, and respond in an essay of 400-500 words. Your essay should lead with a thesis statement that responds to the prompt directly. Cite evidence from the readings parenthetically (De Clementi, 45). It is expected you spent 1 hour on this portion of the exam.

  1. This course includes a sustained focus on the role that gender plays in transnational migration. Compare the articles by Andreina De Clementi and Sarah Gualtieri on how women participate in migration systems. Identify and explain one point of similarity and one point of departure.
  2. Cindy Hahamovitch defines guestworker programs as temporary labor schemes that solve certain problems for employers and lawmakers. Examining her article, discuss one key way that guestworker schemes intersect with migration systems as we’ve explored them in this course. Connect her article to one other Canvas reading in your answer.