Each teamwill research and document the financial processes related to strategic planning, budgeting, financial decision-making,equipment,and supply acquisition.

Strategic Planning Process:
Demonstrate an understanding of the overall organizational strategic planning process to determine priorities.
Project Comparison:
Determine the process used for determining which project or purchases are approved/denied

APA Format/Style: (grammar, punctuation, title page, headings, citations, etc.)Note: As APA does not delineate referencing of personal interviews, note who was interviewed by title. Provide in-text citations as if they were books, (i.e., M. Smith, personal communication, November 3, 2012) but in the reference list, include titles and departments.

agecountmayrangefrom10-15,exclusiveof title page,tableofcontents,reference list, and appendices.•Includeatable ofcontents.•Include at least three recent scholarly references, current within the last five yearsof publication(in addition to the text book). •Convertembeddedobjects and auto-formattedtext before submission.•Appendices areto be clearlylabeled andreferencedwithin the bodyof the reportaccording to APA.•Using the interview questions as a guide will insure your thorough investigation and evaluation of this work