Diffusion and Osmosis Worksheet

Part 1- Cell Transport Structures

         Follow this link (https://pbslm-contrib.s3.amazonaws.com/WGBH/conv19/tdc02-int-membraneweb/index.html) to the interactive cell at PBS.com. Click on the different structures and molecules to find out more about them. Use the descriptions to fill out the tables below. An example has been done for you for each table.


Cell Structure Describe the Function
Lipid Bilayer The main component of the plasma membrane, it allows some molecules to pass through easily and not others.













Move Substance How does it cross the membrane? (through the membrane/through a protein/ exocytosis) Is it being transported through Active or Passive transport?


Through the membrane Passive














Part 2 – Reflection: Can you drink too much water?

       Read the article titled “Can you drink too much water?” that is attached to this assignment in D2L. In the space below, answer the following reflection prompts in a paragraph.

  • Using what you know about osmosis, explain how drinking too much water can lead to the deadly condition known as hypernatremia. What effect does this have on the body cells?
  • When survivors are lost at sea, they are told not to drink the ocean salt water. Using what you know about osmosis, explain why drinking too much salt water can also be deadly. What effect would this have on the body cells?