Pick a topic that applies or connects to families or relationships that people usually explain using individual explanations and explain it sociologically. So, think about it not as a personal trouble but instead as a public issue. This is essential to doing sociology. Folks often assume a psychological lens when talking about relationships between individuals or within families. That’s not what I’m asking you to do. Take your time and think about this one before posting your response (this is harder to do that you might first think!).

A few examples (but please don’t be limited by these – feel free to choose one of your own!):

  • unemployment,
  • COVID-19
  • economic concerns
  • parenting
  • etc.

It is always helpful for me, to think, what makes a hypothetical person in the United States in the present day more like to experience this issue than 100 years ago? Than 50 years ago?

Be sure you cover these points thoroughly:

1. Identify the public issues constricting the issue you chose paying close attention to the macro level causes and the micro level effects on families or other social relationships.
2. What did you learn from this that previously you were unaware of?
3. Which of our theories/paradigms (e.g. functionalism, conflict theory, symbolic interactionism, etc.) is best to explain your topic?
4. Use your chosen theory to explain your topic effectively, correctly and thoroughly.