418 Part 4 • Forever Improving the Quality System

Discussion Questions

The model in Figure 15-1 shows people as the basis of the quality system. Do you agree with this assertion? Why or why not?

There are regions in which the three spheres of quality overlap. What are some of the overlaps between management, assurance, and control? Why are they important?

Review the concept of enterprise capabilities. Pick a firm and determine what you think is the enter-prise capability for that firm.

  1. Why is internal assessment a necessary tool for outstanding companies?
  2. At what stage do you believe a company would be ready for internal assessment?
  3. At what stage does a company become ready for Baldrige—based internal assessment?
  4. Define the different types of audits. Pick a company and define which type would be best for it. Support your answer.
  5. The Boise City Leadership model is an interesting model for a governmental entity. Is this model different from a model that would be used for a for-profit firm? Why or why not?
  6. What are the enablers for quality improvement in a school? What are they in a firm in which you have worked? (See Figure 15-4.)

1. Administer the survey instrument in A Closer Look at Quality 15-1 to a local business owner and report your findings.

2. Administer the survey instrument in A Closer Look at Quality 15-1 to the employees of the business from Problem 1. Compare the employees’ and owner’s perceptions to see where they differ significantly.

CASE Case 15-1 Setting Priorities Using the Baidrige Criteria2 www.nist.gov

On the following pages are examiner evaluation notes Given this feedback, develop a plan for improvement for category 2 for a fictional company (the entire re- for NuGrain. Include prioritization of the different new port is not provided because of length consideration). projects.

Discussion Questions

  1. How did you select particular projects from the feedback report?
  2. What are some of the weaknesses of this approach?
  3. Why would it be good to use a mix of internal and external examiners as is recommended in the chapter?
  4. How did you prioritize projects for improvement?
  5. Was all of the feedback meaningful? What are some of the attributes of useful feedback?