Criminal Justice Question

Part I: Long Answer Question (Fifty Points) Write an integrated essay based on evidence from the course; define all terms; and illustrate your key points (offering examples; showing you can work with the terms/concepts) in the space provided.

Comparing and contrasting two kinds of gun violence, define ‘victimization’ and ‘trauma’ in the context of gun violence. What is the reach of victimization, and what forms does trauma take? How should this inform interventions aimed at addressing gun violence?


Question 2 (20 points)

Fill-in-the-Blank (Two Points Each; Twenty Points Total). Use a term from the bank below to fill in the blank in each of the following sentences.  Be sure to choose the concept that best fits from the choices below.

  1. _______________ is a term developed by a sociologist to describe shootings that take place in a public place that are neither revenge shootings nor terrorist attacks.
  2. _______________ is significant with respect to gun research because one of its unintended consequences was the passage of 3. _______________.

Provided that due process standards are met, 4. _______________ prohibits gun possession for individuals—including public law enforcement—under a restraining order due to domestic violence.

Some argue that the distinction between gun homicides and assaults with a firearm as acts of criminal intent is somewhat arbitrary in that this difference more so reflects the level of medical care available to the victim rather than a difference in the perpetrator’s intention. This is an example of the 5. _______________.

Laws that allow law enforcement to seize firearms from persons deemed a danger to themselves or others are known as 6. _______________. (Hint: Governor Ducey supported these laws after the Parkland shooting but then eschewed them in 2020.)

Though it is a subjective experience, 7. _______________ is a response to objective conditions.

The 8._______________ was a watershed massacre for a variety of reasons; one, according to Fox & Newman (2009), is that it provided a cultural script for subsequent active shootings.

When purchasing a firearm from a federally licensed firearms dealer, it is a federal offense to lie on 9. _______________, which is filled out prior to a federal background check that uses the 10. _______________ database.


Work Bank

  • Active Shooting
  • Columbine Active Shooting
  • Dickey Amendment
  • Form 4473
  • Instrumentality Effect
  • Intimate Massacre
  • Mass Killing
  • Kellerman et al. (1993)
  • Lautenberg Amendment
  • NICS
  • Red Flag Laws
  • Trauma
  • Violence Against Women Act

Question 2 options:

Blank # 1
Blank # 2
Blank # 3
Blank # 4
Blank # 5
Blank # 6
Blank # 7
Blank # 8
Blank # 9
Blank # 10

Question 3 (2 points)

Multiple Choice (Two Points Each; Thirty Points Total). Choose the best answer for each multiple choice below. Mark your choice clearly; unmarked or ambiguously marked answers will not earn credit.

What is the Dickey Amendment?

Question 3 options:

An Arizona law requiring that concealed carriers disclose whether they are armed
A law currently under consideration by US Congress to make concealed carry licenses recognized across US states
An executive order that prohibited the use of National Institute of Justice funds for research that promotes or advocates for gun rights
A law that expands the police’s ability to seize guns from someone at risk of suicide
None of the above

Question 4 (2 points)

Form 4473 (or its electronic equivalent) is required…

Question 4 options:

Only for fully automatic firearms, according to the Firearms Owners Protection Act
Only for magazines holding more than 10 rounds
For firearms purchases from a Federal Firearms License holder, such as a gun shop
Only for firearms purchased in California
For all firearms purchases, including private sales

Question 5 (2 points)

Which of the following describes the ecological fallacy?

Question 5 options:

The reasoning behind whether background checks reduce crime
The Farmer’s Almanac’s recommendation about the best time of year to go hunting
A hypothesis that identifies the key factors within a social setting (an ‘ecology’) that drive violent crime up
Another name for gun trauma
None of the above answers correctly describes the ecological fallacy

Question 6 (2 points)

According to Newman & Fox (2009), the __________ shooting matters for explaining subsequent mass shootings because it provided shooters with a cultural script.

Question 6 options:

Las Vegas
Sandy Hook

Question 7 (2 points)

___________ account for the most gun deaths in the US.

Question 7 options:

Justifiable Homicides
Negligent Discharges
Felonious Homicides
Mass Shootings

Question 8 (2 points)

Which of the following may result from living in a neighborhood with high rates of gun violence?

Question 8 options:

Long-term increase in risk of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Short-term decrease in reading comprehension
Long-term increase in risk of poor health
Long-term increase in anxiety
All of the above

Question 9 (2 points)

Rebecca files a restraining order against John, both of whom live in Arizona. The order does not specifically stipulate that John surrenders his firearm. John decides not to contest the order, and he does not relinquish his handgun. Which of the following is true?

Question 9 options:

John has violated Federal law by not relinquishing his firearm.
John has violated state law by not relinquishing his firearm.
John has not violated Arizona or Federal by possessing his firearm because without a hearing, the restraining order procedures do not meet due process standards.
Rebecca is required to obtain an emergency concealed pistol license as part of Arizona’s efforts to combat domestic violence
None of the above

Question 10 (2 points)

Which of the following best describes the process by which mental health records are included in NICS?

Question 10 options:

It is entirely up to the discretion of mental health professionals whether to report mental health-related issues to the authorities, whether state or federal.
The federal government incentivizes (but can not require) states to report mental health data to NICS; states themselves vary in terms of whether they authorize versus require mental health professionals to report, whether they report to state versus federal databases, and the required timeline in reporting.
If someone is diagnosed with a particular mental illness, their name and information must be immediately uploaded into the national NICS system under the penalty of a federal felony.
While the federal government does not have authority to require states to adopt a standardized reporting procedure, all 50 states have agreed to be part of the “Mental Health & Gun Violence Prevention Pact,” which means they have all adopted the same standards of reporting to NICS.

Question 11 (2 points)

Gun homicide rates track firearm availability; rates of homicide by other means are not correlated with firearm availability. This is an example of:

Question 11 options:

The Instrumentality Effect
The War Zone Mentality
The Ecological Fallacy
Gun Violence as a Contagious Disease
The Code of the Street

Question 12 (2 points)

Since 2020, gun crime…

Question 12 options:

has fallen to unprecedented levels
has sharply increased
has increased except for gun homicides
has remained relatively unchanged
None of the above; existing data on gun crime are unreliable.

Question 13 (2 points)

California’s ____________ is a unique database that tracks people who formerly possessed registered firearms in California but have since been barred from owning or purchasing guns.

Question 13 options:

Lautenberg Amendment
Roberti-Roos Act
Armed and Prohibited Persons System
Gun Control Act

Question 14 (2 points)

Which of the following kinds of records appear in NICS?

Question 14 options:

Mental Health
All of the above
None of the above

Question 15 (2 points)

Although active shootings are _________ reported in the media, they comprise a ________ proportion of total gun deaths.

Question 15 options:

Widely; large
Rarely; large
Never; large
Widely; small but impactful
Rarely; small but impactful

Question 16 (2 points)

Sixteen years after the Dickey Amendment was passed, former Representative Jay Dickey called for…

Question 16 options:

Scientific research on ways to prevent firearm deaths
A ban on federally funded gun violence research
Defunding of the CDC
Defunding of the DOJ
An increase in the federal funding of research on traffic deaths

Question 17 (2 points)

According to the movie The Interrupters, which best describes the point when the Violence Interrupters intervene?

Question 17 options:

Before violence results in death
Before violence leads to grievances
Before grievances lead to death
Before depression leads to death
Before conflicts and grievances erupt into violence