Case study of the dream hotel

Case Study Instructions

1. Quality of the Answer
  1.      The questions were answered completely.

2.      Thoroughly explore the key parts of the question.

3.      Address all of the key issues that are inherent in the question along with indirect concerns that may impact the interpretation of the situation in the question.

§ ie., Are there social norms that cause the infighting at the workplace where on the surface it looks like an operations issues?

§ ie., Is there possibly a gentleman’s agreement that makes one feel they can park illegally when it looks like a guest was mistreated by being towed?

4.      Each decision must have rationale and ramifications attached.

2. Document is professionally presented (well organized, clear, complete, concise)
  1. The document must be presented in a manner as if you are presenting it to your boss for review.
  2. Assume that your boss does not have a lot of time to ready your submission so you need to be

§ clear (be sure that you are stating what you intend to in easily understood terms),

§ complete (fully address the situation per the instructions), and

§ concise (fluff is not necessary- not too long, not too short).

  1. It is also very important that your document is well organized.
3. Punctuation/Grammar
  1. Spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, wrong word errors, parallelism, tenses, etc.