Supply Chain Question

Your CEO is curious about how data visualization works. The CEO has a file of customer loans and he wants to be able to visualize the information. It is your task to discover the best way to visualize the data you have been given.

The following is the necessary information to complete this lab assignment

  • Open the file provided in the visualization readings and resources link.
  • Click the plus (+) sign to add another worksheet and name it visualization.
  • Save your file with your name included in the file name.
  • Click back to the data values tab.
  • Sort the data by the age group 20–24.
  • Sort the income amount by categories. There are six categories, beginning with 100,000–124,999, 75,000–99,999, 50,000–74,999, 35,000–49,999, 25,000–34,999, and 20,000–24,999.
  • Calculate the percentage of customers in each category.
  • Create a bar chart to help visualize this data.
  • Save your Excel File.
  • Select the data values tab.
  • Use the sort feature to sort by male and female.
  • There are 24 total people.
  • Count the total number of loan customers by gender.
  • Return to the data values tab.
  • Remove the filter on the income column.
  • Sort Q816A3 column ascending.
  • Count how many responses to each question. There should be seven types of responses (2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10).
  • There are 18 total responses.
  • Calculate the percentage for each response number.
  • Return to the visualization tab and create a pie chart of your percentages.
  • Use the two numbers to calculate the percentage of male customers and female customers.
  • Return to the visualization tab.
  • Create a pie chart to show the CEO your results.
  • On your visualization tab, select insert and select a text box.
  • Position the text box under the three charts you created.

In Microsoft Word, write one paragraph to the CEO to explain each of your data visualizations. Take screenshots of the visualizations you created in excel and paste into the Word document. Explain why visualizations are important.