Active Learning Reflection – How Much Do You Know About Careers in Child Development?

Step 1: Complete the following tasks:

  1. The first part of this assignment will be to complete the active learning activity in your course textbook. This assignment’s active learning activity is called “How Much Do You Know About Careers in Child Development” To locate this activity in your textbook, please search for the title provided in Ch.1. Instructions for this activity include using the Occupational Outlook Handbook to find information about a career and then comparing it to your existing knowledge. See the textbook for full instructions.
  2. After you complete the active learning activity, summarize your research results and how the information you found compared to your current knowledge of the career you chose. Be sure to include the career you selected and what you found most interesting about your career. Also, explain how this career is related to the field of Child Development.
  3. Answer the following discussion questions: Given the information you learned about the career you chose, what type of child development knowledge would be important to know in this profession? What are the roles and responsibilities of this profession in ensuring a child’s positive development and how should they take into account cultural perspectives when working with children? Be sure to explain your answer to the discussion questions using key concepts, ideas or facts that you learned about this week in addition to your own experiences. Here are some example sentence starters for your explanation: On page xx, it states . . . According to our text, research suggests…This activity reminds me of…Lastly, don’t forget to include your in-text citation (Author, Year, page #) as mentioned in the active learning guide to success rubric. For the 3rd edition of our textbook it would look like this (Levine & Munsch, 2018, p.18).

Step 2: Once you have completed Step 1 it is time to share it with your classmates. Be sure to complete each component (e.g., complete the activity and then respond to all the discussion questions) to receive full credit. Post your responses to this assignment (10 points).

    • To post your response hit the blue button at the bottom of the reply box called “Post Reply“.
    • Be sure to read your reply before posting.
    • Be sure to share which option you chose at the beginning of your post!
    • Your post should have at least 5 sentences .
    • link to the book…